Monday, November 26, 2007

Playing Quicktime

The following was taken from

Downgrading MPlayer

  1. Open the console (In easy mode, press ctrl-alt-T. In advanced desktop, it's on the start menu, under system, or press alt-F2 and type Konsole.)
  2. In the console, type sudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list
  3. Add the line deb etch main non-free contrib (copy from here and paste in kwrite by right-clicking and choosing paste)
  4. Save and exit
  5. In the console, type sudo apt-get update
  6. Then type sudo apt-get install mplayer=1.0~rc1-12etch1 (if your console window has a white background, you can copy from here and right-click in the console window to paste)
  7. Type sudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list
  8. Find the line deb etch main non-free contrib and put # (a hash or number sign) in front of it. This will disable the debian repository, so that you don't accidentally install incompatible software.

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